blue cheese造句
1、We have Italian dressing and blue cheese dressing.
2、They took aspirin, ate blue cheese dressing and didn't get tested for diabetes.
3、We have Italian dressing or blue cheese dressing.
4、John: I'd like the broiled chicken, a baked potato, and salad with blue cheese dressing.
5、Just 2 tablespoons of Wishbone Chunky Blue Cheese has 160 calories and 17 grams of fat.
6、blue cheese of Denmark.
7、Blend of Quail Eggs, Garlic Croutons, Prosciutto, Blue Cheese and Anchovy Dressing.
鹌鹑蛋,蒜香面包, 风干火腿,兰波芝士和银鱼柳汁。
8、Waiter: We hat Italian dressing or blue cheese dressing.

1、A woodsman came to the first tree andseminoma造句
1、The seminoma cells are large with vesipersonalised造句
1、Car clubs capture the paradigm of highcurfew造句
1、The local administration says the curfcredited造句
1、He credited $100 to the customer.他把100lighted造句
1、The Christmas-tree was lighted in theiniquitous造句
1、iniquitous deeds; he said it was sinfutucker造句
1、All those requests "just" for guidancecassock造句
1、She was a nettle in which the rustle odata file造句
1、Therefore, the data file is also creatarticle of faith造句
1、It's an article of faith among west intaunt造句
1、Weapon taunt powers should be more effdirectorate造句
1、Thomas Zurbuchen is an associate adminparanoia造句
1、Paranoia kills conversation.偏执狂毁灭了会话。2ozone hole造句
1、The size and shape of the ozone hole imildewed造句
1、It was filled with mildewed boxes.这里到处fling at造句
1、The young man had a fling at swimming那product line造句
1、Automation product line is composed ofexpertly造句
1、The salads are expertly mixed so you dmedical knowledge造句
1、In future, he thinks, medical knowledg