bring home the bacon造句
1、This is the milepost of human space exenumerable造句
1、Returns an enumerable list of all thenon-stop造句
1、I need a non-stop ticket to Beijing.我要time-lag造句
1、This time-lag is difficult to explain,cps造句
1、The Application of CPS in the Electricshogun造句
1、In fact, the shogun actually ruled Japjunk mail造句
1、We still get junk mail for the previouhallway造句
1、He entered the hallway and stood uncermeek造句
1、She is as meek as a lamb她像小羊一样的温顺。2、Hofuggy造句
1、EMG Signal Analysis Based on Fuggy anddutch auction造句
1、In practice, however, the Dutch auctioassembly drawing造句
1、Program Design of Assembly Drawing forconfrontation造句
1、The commission remains so weak that iteightieth造句
1、We made a special meal for my grandma'ascend造句
1、You step on at high school, ascend thrempirically造句
1、The third question is, Is agency theorblistered造句
1、Bathe your blistered finger in hot watlamely造句
1、The gimp went lamely around while whisfootstep造句
1、The store is just a footstep away.那丬店仅stuffed造句
1、These are Dyche's collection of stuffe