call after造句
1、Rebuild file alist and refresh current project. Call after creating a page.
2、You can give me a call after you make your choice
3、After about 40mins silence fell on the radio, call after call but nothing came back.
4、If you call after the closing date, you will not be entered but may still be charged.
5、Otherwise, how can one call after another call I hurried to fetch it.
6、A simple friend hates it when you call after he has gone to bed.
7、The DB2.LOGINFO call after OPEN_LOG will only check if TESTSP token exists in Shared memory.
在调用OPEN_LOG之后再调用DB 2 . LOGINFO只会检查共享内存中是否存在TESTSP标记。
8、But we request the home page again in our next call after login.
call after翻译
追在...的后面叫喊, 以(某人)的名字为...命名 详情

1、The training results proved that the Salabama造句
1、The state of Alabama is already doingscandal造句
1、Interest in the scandal seems to be taopportunistic造句
1、Some opportunistic infections are easistitched造句
1、Seam Ripper: for ripping out unnecessaanorexia nervosa造句
1、She quoted from texts on anorexia nervoman造句
1、If that is a lesson in conservation fonectarine造句
1、Aromas of lifted stone fruits and freshexavalent造句
1、Hexavalent chromium plating has weakneoptician造句
1、written instructions for an optician obang造句
1、The bang and hum of factory work risesalongside of造句
1、Alongside of the past generation, we aeconomic potential造句
1、Its economic potential is not in doubtendoderm造句
1、Successive section sees endoderm has elimited liability company造句
1、The registered capital of a limited lihomocentric造句
1、The background was comprised of threeshrivelled造句
1、He has a shrivelled face他有一张满是皱纹的脸。2、Hted造句
1、Ted is a key, and his parents are verygray iron造句
1、TINDER can provide alloy casting, grayphilosophical造句
1、His philosophical draft Perpetual Peac