carrying capacity造句
1、What's the carrying capacity of this ship?
2、Finally, the population will reach a size within the carrying capacity of the environment.
3、Carrying capacity is one of vital tools in the field of tourism planning and management.
4、And it has bearings with high carrying capacity and combination box-shaped base.
5、Analysis of Load Carrying Capacity of Steel Fibre Concrete Pavement by FEM
6、The bristle brush allows for greater carrying capacity and better smoothing and spreading action.
7、Fluctuation of the carrying capacity in turn affects the food supply per capita.
8、Thus, the influence of technology on Earth's carrying capacity is difficult to predict and discern.
carrying capacity翻译
承载能力, 载重量【化】 允许载荷量; 允许载重量; 承压力【经】 载运能力 详情猜你喜欢
1、Rachel Armstrong, from UCL's Bartlettautomagically造句
1、Next, I automagically assign propertyregression造句
1、Variance analysis shows that the testcounter offer造句
1、Our counter offer is in line with thefeel for造句
1、If you read this whole page, you'll gevisualization造句
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1、We advise to optimize its running timetremolo造句
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1、Can the Normal Pulmonary Ligament anddeterminism造句
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1、Good breathing is slow, rhythmic and dungovernable造句
1、He is a man with ungovernable temper.他play on造句
1、To play on a pipe吹(管乐)吹奏管乐器2、His mindgroves造句
1、Quiet mountain roads wind through grovperil造句
1、Icy roads are a peril to motorists.结冰的assist造句
1、To assist and support sales activitiesbanality造句
1、He couldn't believe the banality of thfirst floor造句
1、The first floor has a prestigious lobbforested造句
1、(Brit) an area of open or forested cou