1、Many languages have a strategy to circumvent name collision and, with V5.3, so does PHP.
2、To circumvent these problems, some researchers are looking to nature for inspiration.
3、She planned a way to circumvent all the bureaucratic red tape
4、She planned a way to circumvent all the bureaucratic red tape.
5、This was also one way for banks to circumvent the church’s ban on the charging of interest.
6、President Roh Moo Hyun doesn't like how some colleges are trying to circumvent the new system.
韩国总统卢武铉(RohMoo Hyun)不喜欢一些大学试图绕过新制度的做法。
7、How can we extend the type system so that we don't have to circumvent it?
8、Cloud applications have long been portrayed as a way for business to circumvent IT.
9、The crook tried to circumvent the little girl.
10、To circumvent this issue, we modified the theme.
11、To circumvent this manual compilation, Exolab is working on an Ant taskdef to automate it.
为了避免手工编译,Exolab 正在致力于开发出一个Anttaskdef 来自动编译。
12、The zigzags are there to circumvent the Sackville women.
13、He seemed to circumvent the girls deliberately.
14、Military planners tried to circumvent the treaty.
15、The pair thought that they could circumvent English law because their website was hosted in the us.
16、The infrared method can circumvent defensive strategies, such as shielding the keypad.
17、You can't disobey the law, but you can try to circumvent it.
18、They opened an office abroad in order to circumvent the tax laws.
他们在外国开设了一个办事处, 以避开税法。
19、Requests can be crafted which will circumvent the CSRF protection entirely.
20、Finally, central Banks can try to circumvent the zero lower bound by buying long-term debt.
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