coup de grace造句
1、Jane's affair was the coup DE grace to her disintegrating marriage.
2、I could've said Coup DE Grace is 5.15b.
我可以说Coup de Grace是5.15b。
3、My disastrous exam results dealt the coup de grace to my university career.
4、Poor exam results dealt the coup de grace to his hopes of staying on at university.
coup de grace翻译
致命一击, 慈悲的一击, 致命的打击, 给予致命一击的事件【法】 致命一击 详情0
1、But these days, senior citizens are prmundane造句
1、This week you might want to consider santituberculosis造句
1、Objective:To study the antituberculosiunheralded造句
1、They are inviting talented but unherallibrary management造句
1、Knowledgeable of library management soepithelium造句
1、The epithelium in esophagus, crop andfist造句
1、He balled up his fist and hitted the sstartlingly造句
1、Today, just six and a half years latertook造句
1、She took off the old dress and put oncaviar造句
1、And if along the way you want to gorgeepoxy造句
1、A flexible epoxy acrylate resin prepolclassical style造句
1、The front of the house made in the clawomenfolk造句
1、The male hunters brought back the foodassist造句
1、To assist and support sales activitieshome-made造句
1、Romaine lettuce, bacon bits, croutons,homeless造句
1、A Blue Sky for Homeless Children为流浪儿童撑weekly造句
1、I do a weekly shop at the supermarket.statement造句
1、That statement has since been removedrefrigerator造句
1、A sun-powered refrigerator has been decondylar造句
1、Conclusions: The cases with displaceme