declarative sentence造句
1、That discovery led to two things: 1 pestardust造句
1、Q. What was the Stardust mission?问:“星尘smile upon造句
1、He hesitated for some moments, with aamiable造句
1、I do not think that young and amiableshackled造句
1、The hostage had been shackled to a radhospital room造句
1、"Ochay," he sweetly said, and gallopedserene造句
1、Also, meditate on the inner light whicprogramming language造句
1、The Ada programming language allowed eyear after year造句
1、If they hurt you before, why let themfoaming造句
1、But the ship dived like a swan betweenraphael造句
1、How can I create shadow on Raphael objvesicular造句
1、Some acinar and islet cells of fatty rtranshipment造句
1、Transhipment is (not) allowed.(不)准许转船。reveal造句
1、Graphology is the study of a person'sdefault on造句
1、The Fed, not the Banks, bears the riskconcrete jungle造句
1、I really hope I can get away from thesyndicate造句
1、Selling Concession The discount givenunsharp造句
1、A spacial processing part generates avan gogh造句
1、If Gauguin was the perpetrator, why diprotestantism造句
1、The Protestantism material see some di