1、The DOH also reports the total number of tests run, errors that occurred, and tests that failed.
2、This function lets you point the DOH runner.html UI at a separate HTML file.
此函数能让DOHrunner.htmlUI 指向另一个 HTML文件。
3、Two Kinds of Doh and Piano Vamping Teaching
4、Lastly, the DOH is not limited to browser environments.
5、The DOH has a another test registration function called doh.registerUrl().
DOH有另外一个测试注册函数,名为 doh.registerUrl()。
6、This is the only way to succeed in your mission and conquer DOH !
7、This enables the DOH to report failed tests accurately.
8、Study on Design Method for DOH of HEV
9、Doh ! This little corner of the campus, I really hesitate to love it!
10、The DOH also provides a powerful UI that shows success, failures, and even what errors were thrown.
DOH还提供了一个强大的UI ,可用来显示成功或失败甚至抛出的错误。
11、The basic DOH test case structure
12、When all test files have been loaded by the DOH the framework automatically executes the tests.
13、If any type of exception is thrown in a unit test, the DOH declares the entire test as failed.
14、I use one of my son's old toothbrushes and warm water to brush away the doh in fantastic fashion.
15、Bringing it all together: Combining the test definitions into a single DOH test suite.
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