endue with造句
1、Furniture has been endue with definite culture meaning by decorative design of furniture.
2、The value of life is up to the ultimate mission you endue with yourself.
3、The simple cutting endue with an obvious style and unique rhythm of our "Live yoyo" brand.
裁剪做工简洁精致,赋予“LIVE YOYO”鲜明的风格以及独特的韵律。
endue with翻译
使穿上, 赋予 详情0
1、Unite the poem rhyming word is an imposplashing造句
1、Study on Slag Splashing in Converter转炉headscarf造句
1、A long thin wool coat and a purple heamiffed造句
1、I was a little miffed about that.我对此有点viceroy造句
1、During her time there, she continued tphosphorescence造句
1、They sank leaving a trail of phosphoreaccreditation造句
1、Accreditation of Certification Bodiesfatty tissue造句
1、The samples of greater omentum and fatcheckout time造句
1、At checkout time a hotel guest will aswork it造句
1、The boy tried to work it out himself.那reformatory造句
1、Many juveniles in the United States weoverfeed造句
1、You cannot overfeed a kitten so don'tresuscitate造句
1、The soul going down stream in this gulfetch out造句
1、This old craftsman has the skill to fepoint after造句
1、However, at some point after the migrapack rat造句
1、She was a pack rat and saved everythinrenege造句
1、Any more colourful candidate could renupset stomach造句
1、An upset stomach indicates gastric ulcnonage造句
1、The nonage can not enter bar to not hafrighteningly造句
1、Energy, though not as frighteningly ex