close off造句
1、a swinging or sliding barrier that wilforetold造句
1、The Gypsy foretold that the boy wouldelectrical wiring造句
1、Electrical wiring is installed by elecextension agent造句
1、It has nothing to do with extension agflit造句
1、To correlate the new flit table to a nas soon as造句
1、I hope you write letter to us as soonair bag造句
1、Each air bag module contains an inflatxavier造句
1、Prof. Charles Francis Xavier Don't givsnivel造句
1、Boring physics knowledge by perceptualinterchangeable造句
1、The V8 engines are all interchangeableinfrequent造句
1、Muggings are relatively infrequent informative造句
1、Viscoplasticity is still in a formativmetronome造句
1、Develop a habit of using the metronomeshadowing造句
1、The influence of the shadowing effecthomogenizing造句
1、The present invention relates to a hombiathlon造句
1、Who were the only people allowed to cocholinergic造句
1、Objective To study the dynamic changeslay out造句
1、Lay out a fortune on jewelry买珠宝花了一大笔钱2trade route造句
1、On the eastern shore of the Black Sea,brazen造句
1、They're quite brazen about their bisex