1、I saw his body, so immeasurably vital, stretched in the air above me, a fleeting, furred rainbow.
2、Hold the integrated furred ceiling of sound if having the special performance regiment buy?
3、Should have a well furred tail with the appearance of a waving plume.
4、Three of my veins had furred up and I needed a triple bypass.
5、The Ewoks are sentient furred bipeds native to the moon of Endor.
6、Should have a well furred tail with the appearance of a waving plume
7、Hard water furred the kettle.
8、Think about all the extinct furred animals that are displayed on museums around the world.
9、The fox is known by his furred tail.
10、He saw his own hands, furred again with snow, holding the rope.
11、The kettle was furred up.
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1、This news item belongs to our series ale造句
1、Last year, Le Monde revamped its weeklsoyabean造句
1、Objective:Study on the chemical constinot guilty造句
1、Even if he is not guilty of bad faith,prednisone造句
1、Is there any benefit to the use of prepropellant造句
1、Theoretically, any liquid propellant msaline solution造句
1、Use general saline solution or purifiereverential造句
1、The street in the softer hours of theincompatibility造句
1、A major number indicates a potential iremain firm造句
1、Cheap goods have a ready sale, and prisafest造句
1、Warwick University is now experimentinahead of time造句
1、Call the Center at least 5 days aheadhypothetical造句
1、The hypothetical parent language of Inidle time造句
1、The idle time regarding us really is tpruritus造句
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1、A method based on the change rate of aundivided attention造句
1、Undivided attention to write a love stshiloh造句
1、the whole assembly of Israel gatheredmalfunction造句
1、A malfunction with the hot-water heatefield trial造句
1、Methods: a field trial of CSSD, was ca