goofing off造句
life insurance policy造句
1、I took out a life insurance policy andgarth造句
1、Garth come on relax all right? Your pitabby cat造句
1、A black and tabby cat and four childrelegislative assembly造句
1、a legislative assembly in certain counfixation造句
1、Methods Using cotton cloth, nylon joinelephant造句
1、There's a white elephant sale today.今天miscible造句
1、A liquid junction is the interface betpower input造句
1、The power input shaft of the main speeministry of finance造句
1、He works in the ministry of finance orfastening造句
1、Metal lacing eyelets for optimum fastevoidable造句
1、A contract executed by one who is undesportswoman造句
1、She was designated sportswoman of theguzzler造句
1、Fred: You mean, because of the recentrhode island造句
1、Rhode Island would be the only state ilate造句
1、Cameron is a latecomer, but for the prattuned造句
1、He was -intuitive and especially attunoiliness造句
1、The finish is a touch too matte for mythesis造句
1、This thesis probes into the control strivalry造句
1、The Trend of US-Russia Rivalry over Oufist造句
1、He balled up his fist and hitted the s