1、The restaurant handyman will tell you she had the ideas, but he did all the work.
2、I think they are also getting the handyman to fix the bathroom toilet that keeps clogging up.
3、The good husband always does handyman things.
4、You can do it and Do-It-Yourself Handyman Guide will help!
5、Trish:So...you must be the handyman who will take any dirty job?
6、Grandpa is the handyman in the neighborhood.
7、In 2001 a handyman named Vincent Lowe went into a cage to repair a dangerously worn-down gate.
8、Finally, she hires a handyman to repair her house and falls in love with him.
9、The result is like a handyman doing ballet - you rather wish he had stuck with his job.
n. 杂务工, 手巧的人, 水手 详情猜你喜欢
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