in league with造句
1、Principle of a new ArF Excimer laser rvisually impaired造句
1、Spiders see only the HTML coding, justconditional造句
1、Boolean logic is especially useful forredcurrant造句
1、It has a brilliant raspberry red colorbegging造句
1、Well, as if I would go begging to Servgambit造句
1、His favorite opening gambit is: "Whatnewsletter造句
1、If you're a newsletter subscriber andglutenin造句
1、The monomeric protein and soluble glutsebum造句
1、When the skin surface sebum and blockeequator造句
1、The equator engirds the earth.赤道环绕地球。2morphemic造句
1、Morphemic theory and "syntactic semantextremity造句
1、The poor dog was in an extremity of paingeniously造句
1、For instance pyramid, the Eiffel Towerstemmed造句
1、The civil unrest in the Mideast and Nonuclear reactor造句
1、The hairs were placed in capsules andfollow the fashion造句
1、To follow the fashion means there areeyelid造句
1、Results: Typical ocular signs were eyea bag of bones造句
1、I have been a bag of bones since you ldecision support system造句
1、Analysis and Design of Decision Supporspruced up造句
1、She spruced up for the interview.她为参加面