in the soup造句
1、She put the amount of salt in the soup that it asked for, and then some.
2、We are really in the soup if the car will not start.
3、We're all in the soup now.
4、On March 29, I was back in the soup again, with a problem of my own making.
in the soup翻译
在困境中 详情0
1、belonging to or befitting an archdukeemptiness造句
1、I feel an emptiness in my heart.也添满不了我iridescent造句
1、blowfly with iridescent blue body; makgallows造句
1、Save a thief from the gallows and he wentryway造句
1、A row or two of pegs makes use of wallin the dark造句
1、Surveyor 3 had landed two years earlieglyph造句
1、Glyph of Mind Control: Increases durattax form造句
1、The tax form from the tax haven is alsin the road造句
1、A car is haphazardly parked next to theconomic growth rate造句
1、In the past five years, China's economquality index造句
1、The diameter control is one of the impgoose down造句
1、The goose down quilt is on sale todayextricated造句
1、The meeting seemed to be end less, butfluxion造句
1、The granularity of salt may affect onjust in time造句
1、New hydro campsites at Arrowhead - jussurveying造句
1、A line established by sighting in survgood fortune造句
1、Good fortune relating to ideals in lifserrate造句
1、European perennial whose serrate leaveenterovirus造句
1、Most people who are infected with an eerror message造句
1、A simple error message if the request