1、It can also convert polyphonic and monophonic ringtones.
2、So that's monophonic texture, just one pitch.
3、Using monophonic files, place sounds on a virtual sphere around the user.
4、Monophonic methods provide recognition of one voice in melody but with great accuracy.
【电】 单音 详情0
up the stairs造句
1、While climbing up the stairs I alwaysbone of contention造句
1、The length of the project was a majorreal造句
1、The real tragedy of the poor is that tdisobedience造句
1、The civil disobedience theory of Rawlstest equipment造句
1、Write actual calibration date of testdeputation造句
1、A deputation of 40 strikers was organiring造句
1、Kekule discovered the ring structure onemesis造句
1、Which of these foes is your greatest nsaint peter造句
1、I know Saint Peter will call my name.我residual造句
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1、Leading tech competitors bury the hatcstm造句
1、Another source of information about STapochromatic造句
1、In the same way, we can design the apoincoming message造句
1、If the incoming message is neither ofdarning造句
1、My mother is darning Bob's socks.我母亲正在tacit造句
1、a tacit understanding on the need forsupersession造句
1、The supersession of the old by the newdirect labor造句
1、Since the process is automated, directnonconformance造句
1、Combining values from the two systemssolicitous造句
1、The wage laborer is not as much intere