1、Are all Mormon breakfasts this big?
2、In 1887 Congress passed a law to dissolve the Mormon church.
国会于1887年通过了一项解散 * 的法案。
3、We young Mormon men enter the Aaronic priesthood when we're twelve.
4、Mormon history officially begun soon after the Mormon church established.
5、Why does the Book of Mormon repeatedly addresses 19th century readers?
6、(religion) of or pertaining to or characteristic of the Mormon church.
(宗教)属于或关于 * 的,或有其特征的。
7、A Mormon woman's most basic purpose is being a good wife and mother.
8、The Book of Mormon is playing at the Eugene O'Neill Theatre in New York, NY.
9、With a Mormon in the White House, that confusion would be harder to dispel.
如果一个 * 徒成为总统,由此造成的混乱很难平息。
10、A Mormon guy was found guilty of having ten wives recently.
11、Of or relating to the Mormons, their religion, or the Mormon Church.
属于或关于 * 徒、其宗教或教堂的
12、In 1887 Congress passed a law to dissolve the Mormon church
国会于1887年通过了一项解散 * 的法案。
13、Great mormon is similar with spangle, but it doesn't have tail's projections.
14、I know the Book of Mormon is true, Grandpa. Every part of me bears this witness.
15、A Mormon marriage, if performed in a temple, is eternal
如果在教堂举行婚礼, * 徒的婚姻就是永恒的。
16、With a Mormon in the White House, that confusion would be harder to dispel
如果一个 * 徒成为总统,由此造成的混乱很难平息。
n. * 徒 详情猜你喜欢
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