no joke造句
1、It was no joke carrying those heavy bags.
2、It's no joke catching a chill when you are recovering from an injury.
你正在养伤, 受了寒可不是玩儿的!
3、Sainz Breeze insist that such food is no joke and could be a new, sustainable source of protein.
Sainz Breeze坚持认为这种食物绝不儿戏,它可能是一种新的可持续的蛋白质来源。
4、It's no joke catching a chill when you are recovering from an injury
你正在养伤, 受了寒可不是玩儿的!
5、That's why I'm so goon summer time no joke ?
6、It's no joke trying to find a job these days.
7、This is no joke (joking matter).
8、When you hang up a noose, that's no joke to us.
9、It is no joke carrying these heavy bags.
no joke翻译
不是开玩笑的事, 困难的事, 严肃的事 详情

acquainted with造句
1、Are you acquainted with the presidentsession造句
1、A session facade EJB business methodsgentlewoman造句
1、She was,to the end,a gentlewoman of thcoconut造句
1、You can have some coconut juice.你可以喝些椰closed circuit造句
1、A window will popup asking you to selecoal miner造句
1、He sketched the coal miner in a few mihypertrophy造句
1、No signs of R hypertrophy were found.未zedoary造句
1、Aim To study the absorption of zedoaryallure造句
1、Its allure defies time and borders.它的魅carrier wave造句
1、It can improve the transmission perforatrium造句
1、From the left atrium the blood passesretail造句
1、The retail sector is very price sensitsystems analysis造句
1、Systems analysis was, after all, an ecdon造句
1、Step Four: don all of this and realizeterminus造句
1、Buses from the terminus go to the airpfurniture造句
1、As a main utensil in the daily life, fharmoniousness造句
1、Valuable nature expected harmoniousnesopen the door to造句
1、Never open the door to a lesser evil,unapproachable造句
1、Are men really the unapproachable grou