1、Breakdown Characteristics of New PDP Cell with Metal Rib
2、The PDP creation and request evaluation process is described in detail after Listing 6.
3、Store the policy object in a file for passing to the PDP later.
4、The authorization decision arrived at by the PDP is sent to the PEP.
PDP 作出的授权决策被发送到 PEP。
5、PDP is considered to be the most priming candidate for the large screen TV on the wall.
6、Also, if you switch PDP implementations, you can re-use the XACML policies written for the old PDP.
另外,如果更换PD P实现,则可以重用为旧PDP编写的XACML策略。
7、Mr Buhari and other former PDP bigwigs see a chance to displace him.
Mr Buhari及其它前PDP的大佬们也看到了取代他的机会。
8、Note that the PDP does not change based on the type of request that needs to be serviced.
9、The MS may initiate activation or deactivation of PDP contexts while in STANDBY state.
10、The PDP evaluates the request as against the policy and returns the response.
PD P针对策略评估请求,并返回响应。
11、Set up the policy finder that the PDP will use.
设置PD p将使用的策略发现程序。
12、Research of PDP TV Multi-standard Video Signal Conversion
13、The following step-by-step description explains PDP creation and request evaluation in detail.
下面将一步步地说明PD P的创建和请求评估。
【计】 过程定义处理程序, 程序控制数据处理器 详情

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