run dialog造句
1、To start using msconfig, open the Run dialog box again, type in "msconfig," and press "OK."
这个时候我们就用到了msconfig程序,同之前一样,先按windows + R,在弹出的运行对话框中输入msconfig,然后点击确定。
2、You set the command-line arguments in the Run dialog as well, as shown in Figure 8.
3、Press Windows key+R to bring up the Run dialog box, then type in “taskmgr” and click OK.
4、Press Windows key+R to bring up the Run dialog box, then type in "taskmgr" and click OK.
按下Windows键+R ,出现了一个“运行”的对话框。在对话框中输入taskmgr ,然后点击确定。
5、Figure 17 shows the Run dialog box from the debug perspective.
run dialog翻译
运行对话框【计】 运行对话框 详情0
out of play造句
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