salt shaker造句
1、The rest comes from the kitchen salt shaker or occurs naturally in food.
2、Tip: replace the salt shaker on your table by a shaker filled with cayenne powder.
3、All you have to do is simply switch the salt shaker with sugar!
4、He watched his own hand pick up the salt shaker and place it on one of the higher.
5、The salt shaker is in Back of the pepper shaker.
1、In much of the popular commentary, thiunload造句
1、Bridge crane is the main tool used tosales company造句
1、Exel Printing Supplies Co., Ltd, is anexhilarate造句
1、This dangerous task exhilarate his spihigh-pressure造句
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1、The town is off limits to military pergsr造句
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1、Gauguin who had exiled himself to Taihballerina造句
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1、We disentangled the ropes and heaved tanthropology造句
1、On Ideas of Ethical Anthropology of Cobipartisan造句
1、So attention is turning to a bipartisaimmaculately造句
1、The immaculately tended gardens are anwith pride造句
1、I had obediently stood there, watchingpersimmon造句
1、To exploit persimmon resources, the fepluck up造句
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1、I insist on his innocence.我坚持认为他是无辜的。2orchestrate造句
1、The next line is a transactional coordmenthol造句
1、And the contents of cinnamic aldehyde