1、In a Samurai film's inevitable finale, sword wielding hero and villain clash in a flurry of steel.
之后,挥舞长剑的英雄与恶棍不可避免的 * 相见,杀作一团;
2、Concentration of the samurai in castle-towns had acted as a stimulus to trade.
3、I must do the honorable thing according to the legend of my samurai brethren.
4、This samurai moral is not a law either not a rule
5、The brutal samurai who beheaded peasants to test their blades were yet to come.
只为一验佩刀锋刃,就抓来农民斩头的 * 武士们,此时尚未登场。
6、And I. I was a samurai named Ganryu.
7、This year's creation is a football field-size picture of a samurai battling a warrior monk.
8、Japan - The Samurai spirit never dies! Victory for Japan!
9、In this case, Grandmaster of the Six Samurai does not have that.
10、O-Ren Ishii: Silly Caucasian girl likes to play with Samurai swords.
愚蠢的高加索女孩爱玩 * 。
11、SW: What is your involvement with Akira Kurosawa on his new samurai film?
12、Once in debt, neither the individual samurai nor the shogun himself found it easy to recover.
13、"It's like a samurai boom," says a curator at the local museum.
14、SPOILER: Heihachi is the first of the Seven Samurai to die in the film.
15、Istara: it would suit a famous samurai like you.
16、But like the traditional samurai hairstyle, such attitudes are looking increasingly out of date.
17、The Seven Samurai to the rescue?
18、But by 1638 thousands of the peasants and their samurai mercenaries had been slaughtered.
19、In the violent period of Bakumatsu, many samurai ran the risk of treason to quit feudatory.
20、Fortunately, he had an old samurai among his friends and went to see him.
21、And Japan where the ancient legends of the samurai are alive and well.
n. 武士 详情猜你喜欢
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