1、Miss Ellie's stat arb strategy was the talk of the ranch.
2、This doesn't give much either, + 6 damage and 114 HP is simply outclassed by the + 3 stat items.
3、Collect your server stat data and review it on a weekly basis.
4、What happens when your program calls stat ?
5、First, memcached's stat collection relied on a global lock.
6、This is good for heroes who need some early stat items.
7、Compounding the problem is that many stat arb managers have borrowed heavily to buy shares.
8、NMP22 and BTA stat in the detection of bladder cancer
NMP22与BTA stat检测在膀胱肿瘤诊断中的应用
9、How can everybody stat a various informations of their or their undeling
10、The stat function instead.
stat()函数会将特定文件的相关信息填入struct stat结构中,如果您获得的是文件描述符而不是文件名,那么作为替代,您可以使用fstat() 函数。
11、Many stat changes fixing inconsistency errors and some balancing problems.
12、It's only a matter of time before your computer can think for itself and stat ordering you around.
13、None of these very important factors show up on the stat sheet.
14、It was aimed at not making haste such a wonky stat for Resto.
15、Now, here's a stat you probably won't believe.
16、8 The Magic stat determines the strength and effectiveness of magic.
17、Lab was back on the intercom. "Trauma Two, I've got STAT results on John Doe."
18、The stat subcommand of KDB provides information about the dump we are looking at.
19、The image above shows the output from the stat command.
20、4 In battle, a higher Str stat causes more physical damage
21、Use the emadmin stat hostname command to verify.
22、Using the stat module, get permissions for each file found and display them to the screen.
使用stat模块,获得每个找到的文件的权限,并将它们显示在屏幕上(第 15行到第 23 行)。
23、For instance, when your mouse pointer hovers over a bar, the exact stat could appear.
24、you see a lot of on screen stat displays. it’s not very obtrusive, I don’t think.
25、The application of BTA stat in the diagnosis of bladder tumor and hematuria
26、You must also understand the stat structure. Here's the corresponding code.
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