1、In that case, the call to add adds a sublist of the final three fields to the lines list.
2、In addition, this list may be a sublist for other lists and other lists may also use as a sublist.
3、The original sublist relationship is not correct for this new recordset. Please correct it.
4、What you are drawing will simply be a sublist of the new objects list.
【计】 子表 详情0
leave of absence造句
1、He took a short leave of absence becauethylene造句
1、Technical Retrofit of ALFA Ball Valveoverweening造句
1、An overweening public sector has stiflroiling造句
1、Apparently "Like a Roiling Stone" suddprofessed造句
1、She professed a belief in God她表示信仰上帝。2housetop造句
1、Housetop is a compound word.(屋顶)是一个复合词snarl造句
1、I snarl at her and bark.我对她咆哮,汪汪汪。2、Nophased造句
1、This should be phased in gradually.这个方quirk造句
1、By a strange quirk of fate they had bophotogrammetry造句
1、International Society of Photogrammetradaptive system造句
1、Fighting capacity system is a complexsurplus造句
1、But they, too, will shift from a budgeflange造句
1、We can provide flange connection of vagraves造句
1、Graves are a mix of gravels, clay andwet sand造句
1、I like walking on the wet sand when thgive and take造句
1、We must all give and take a little ifgeneral counsel造句
1、Wayne B. Wheeler, General Counsel of tpaper造句
1、Please pass me a piece of paper handkememorise造句
1、Generations of schoolchildren have beefirst string造句
1、The first string defines the table and