supreme authority造句
1、Dictionaries and grammars are the supreme authority in matters of the meaning and usage of a word.
2、The International Olympic committee is the supreme authority of the Olympic Movement.
3、Supreme authority rests with the people.
4、Supreme authority resides in the State.
1、Tommy leaned over the dynamometer andsardinian造句
1、To investigate, scientists reared moretuberculin造句
1、We also reassessed the booster phenometreeless造句
1、The only shade on the treeless streetright-handed造句
1、He's not even sure if he's a left-or rosteoarthritis造句
1、Osteoarthritis is inflammation of thedraw up a contract造句
1、I know we should draw up a contract andrug addiction造句
1、Abstract: Drug addiction is a chronicapproximately造句
1、The results are approximately consistein the negative造句
1、It's a response produced in the negatiestimate造句
1、They were then asked to estimate the smn造句
1、Electroluminescence Characteristic oforiginate in造句
1、Lymphoma is a general term for a grouptown hall造句
1、Police and a spokesman at the town halIle造句
1、A Hepatitis B Virus Variant with an Ilorganization structure造句
1、Physical multi-tenant organization strfair way造句
1、Regrettably, Indonesia still seems a fpracticability造句
1、Practicability study of coke wastewatemotley造句
1、The fool in colorful motley clothes, ppull in造句
1、He can pull in over £ 6,000 a year at