system file造句
1、Software may damage some system file such as TCPIP. Sys.
软件可能破坏一些系统文件,如tcpip . sys。
2、Significantly fewer system file descriptors are used.
3、System file is made of multiple layers, multiple files.
4、System file Checker verifies the integrity of your system files.
system file翻译
系统文件【计】 系统文件 详情0
crusade against造句
1、Television. I’m not on a crusade againriddance造句
1、Bill thought it was good riddance whenportfolio investment造句
1、Portfolio Investment Strategy Based onaarp造句
1、Catamaran pays a royalty fee to AARP fdeposit造句
1、Why do enterprises borrow and then depatomic energy造句
1、TODAY, the International Atomic Energypenurious造句
1、"He lived in the most penurious mannerleverage造句
1、Finally, we'll suggest how you might lperitoneal造句
1、Objective: To observe the influence offood allergy造句
1、You can also ask your doctor about a fthree-dimensional造句
1、Three-dimensional ultrasound volume castour造句
1、A borough of southeast England on thegastrointestinal造句
1、Areca catechu L. increased markedly thstager造句
1、Stager learned the best way to deal wimega造句
1、As for mega bonuses, well, what's theidolater造句
1、An idolater is a worshipper of idols.拜dortmund造句
1、"If I come to Dortmund then it would oOP造句
1、Well, it means that OP and a are perpeburst forth造句
1、Mary burst forth into song.玛丽突然唱起歌来。2、togetherness造句
1、Family togetherness is also an importa