1、I had once lived in tube-shaped apartments myself.
2、Pitcher plants use yet another strategy, growing long tube-shaped leaves to imprison their prey.
3、Water-cooled cold-arc-cathode in cup-shape and tube-shaped anode are used.
4、I had lived in tube-shaped apartments myself.
1、Is in good physical build-up and healtishmael造句
1、What you are saying about Ishmael is nsecond nature造句
1、As we know, "Habits are our second natround up造句
1、They are trying to round up those robbenslavement造句
1、He's also described the enslavement slepoxy造句
1、A flexible epoxy acrylate resin prepoloceanographic造句
1、Marine geophysicist Jian Lin of the Wobrisbane造句
1、The price includes two economy class agood friday造句
1、Good Friday is a public holiday at a noff-the-shoulder造句
1、Fei i Fei Sun in an off-the-shoulder abyproduct造句
1、The age comes as a byproduct of the dubrood造句
1、The cheetah led her brood up a tree foweigh in造句
1、An ounce of nuts or two sticks of stribe classified as造句
1、Product with unidentified or suspect sgo-ahead造句
1、A go-ahead company, school, person勇於创新in arrears造句
1、John is in arrears on the story he projuxtapose造句
1、The technique Mr. Wilson uses most oftreact on造句
1、The wheel and the drag react on each oimperious造句
1、To the commission's opponents, its acton the grounds of造句
1、He left on the grounds of ill-health.他