1、The salmon was accompanied with a delicious watercress salad.
2、They can also be steamed and served on watercress with a plum sauce.
3、There were cucumber and watercress sandwiches, and a peach-coloured cake from Payard.
4、So, the study doesn't actually prove watercress prevented cancer in any of the participants.
5、Would you like spinach, watercress or peas? 'asks Mrs Li.
6、Extracts from crushed watercress were also shown to inhibit the growth of breast cancer cells.
7、For example, tomatoes do not like wet soil but watercress does, as the name suggests.
8、The chicken was garnished with watercress and tiny new potatoes.
9、Watercress can be substituted with spinach.
10、There's watercress soup, grated carrots and other unappetizing fare, as well as lots of jogging.
n. 水田芥, 西洋菜 详情猜你喜欢
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