1、CHAPTER FOUR: Xeric theme and neo tech theme architecture of WesternAsia.
2、adapted to a xeric (or dry) environment
3、Quercetin content of different xeric organs, except the scape, was higher compare to the wet one.
4、Deserts provide xeric environments.
a. 干旱的, 环境干燥的, 耐旱的, 沙漠般的 详情0
1、Jahn-Teller effect in the Nb planar atmonoamine造句
1、Objective To explore the effects of chwashbasin造句
1、a large pail used to receive waste watlegalese造句
1、He would bring legal stuff to me and ssnotty造句
1、She smiled a snotty smile.她高傲地笑了一下。2、"taoism造句
1、The Taoism of Zhuangzi is a kind of beNCE造句
1、Could you recommend a nce restaurant npseudarthrosis造句
1、AIM To investigate the pathological chunheralded造句
1、They are inviting talented but unheralvide造句
1、HIM can pro - vide excellent imaging wa near thing造句
1、"What a near thing it was! My enemiescombustible gas造句
1、Q3 - combustible gas incomplete combusworking load造句
1、The mar working load is 14KN.救助艇的最大工作负jury system造句
1、Introduction: Returning to jury systemlunar造句
1、The Diviner Lunar Radiometer Experimentherapy造句
1、Objective To analyze the effect of speulterior造句
1、There was no ulterior motive in his prerrand boy造句
1、Finally the station manager gave in anenergy needs造句
1、All our energy needs depend on this.我们connote造句
1、But does not necessarily connote disho