flimsy; slight; tenuity; thin【医】 lepto-; tenuity; thinness
1.tenuity 2.lightly 3.meagre 4.thinness 5.peppermint 6.sparseness 7.unkind 8.small 9.ungenerous 10.thinly 11.gauziness例句:
- 床单的中间部分磨薄了。The sheets have worn thin in the middle.
- 别对你弟弟那麽刻薄!Don't be so mean to your little brother!
- 她冲他说一些刻薄的挖苦话。She makes mean little digs at him.
- 这么做太刻薄了!What a mean trick it is!
- 别对你兄弟这么刻薄。Don't be so unkind to your brother.
- 冰太薄,承受不住你们的重量。The ice is too thin to bear your weight.
- 雪纺绸是一种几乎透明的丝质薄织物。Chiffon is a kind of thin, almost transparent fabric.
- 池塘上的冰面太薄了,不能滑冰。The ice on the pond is too thin for skating.
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