collapse; demise
1.collape 2.demise例句:
- 这个国家正在分崩离析,我们需要更换政府。This country is going to rack and ruin; we need a change of government.
- 一堆积雪和岩石突然崩落到登山者的身上。A mass of snow and rock broke away and fell on the climbers.
- 经济崩溃是不太可能发生的事。Economic collapse is a rare circumstance.
- 枯竭,江郎才尽某人力量或才智的尽头;即将崩溃、失败或死亡At the end of one's strength or resources; ready to collapse, fail, or die.
- 火山口火山爆发而形成的环形山或大山核心部分的崩塌而形成的环形山A large crater formed by volcanic explosion or by collapse of a volcanic cone.

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医 blanching reaction