- 这些袋子难於搬运,倒不是因为重而是体积太大。
It's not their weight that makes these sacks hard to carry, it's their bulk.
- 在袋子上戳两个洞就能透过它看了。
Poke two holes in the sack so you can see through it.
- 她拉开了袋子的拉链。
She zipped her bag open.
- 买的东西太重,把袋子撑破了。
The bag broke under the weight of the shopping inside it.
- 拿这个袋子吧--这个最轻。
Carry this bag it's the lightest.
- 【谚】空袋子,立不直。
An empty sack cannot stand upright.
- 他把苹果塞进袋子里。
He stuffed the apples into the bag.
- 谁如果带什么袋子、盒子什么的,被警察看见了都要被叫住。
Anyone seen carrying boxes, bags, or whatever, was stopped by the police.