in public; in the presence of all
1.ingeneralaudience 2.inopenaudience
- 在许多国家,当众吐痰属不雅行为。
In many countries it is considered rude to spit in public.
- 你善於当众讲话吗?
Are you good at speaking in public?
- 他老是当众羞辱妻子。
He's always putting his wife down in public.
- 我永远忘不了看著我女儿第一次当众跳舞的情景。
I'll never forget seeing my daughter dance in public for the first time.
- 他有个不大讨人喜欢的特点,就是爱当众责备妻子。
One of his less attractive traits is criticizing his wife in public.
- 希望你当众认错。
We hope you can acknowledge your mistake in public.
- 当众吐痰是不礼貌的行为。
It's the bad manner to spit in public.
- 我不喜欢当众朗诵。
I don't like reciting in public.
equal; proper; when; bear; serve as; work as; pawn众的英语翻译:
crowd; many; numerous