【医】 line basiobregmatic
a copy kept as a record; base; bottom; end; fundus; the truth of a matter
【医】 base; basement; bases; basi-; basio-; basis; batho-; bathy-; fimdi
floor; fundus; pavimentum; solum
acupuncture point; aperture; cave; delve; den; grave; hole
【医】 burrow; coel-; hollow; point
【医】 bregma; bregmatic fontanel; bregmatic space; fonticuli frontalis
fonticuli quadrangularis; fonticulus anterior; great fontanel
clue; line; string; stringy; thread; tie; verge; wire
【医】 line; line Of occlusion; linea; lineae; lineae poplitea; mito-; nemato-
soleal line; strand; thread
【经】 line