【法】 challenge the constitutionality of a law
right; answer; reply; at; check; compare; couple; mutual; opposite; versus; vs
face to face
【计】 P
【化】 dyad
【医】 Adv.; contra-; corps; ob-; p-; pair; par; para-
【经】 vs
a; an; each; one; per; same; single; whole; wholehearted
【医】 mon-; mono-; uni-
nape; nucha; sum; term
【计】 item
【医】 nape; nape of neck; nucha; scruff of neck; trachel-; trachelo-
【经】 item
law; statute; doom; legislation
【医】 law
add up to; be equal to; close; combine; join; proper; shut; suit; whole
【医】 con-; sym-; syn-
constitution; statute
bring forward; advance; lodge; put forward; raise; set forth; submit
【经】 propose; put in; submission; submit
interrogate; interrogatory; query
【法】 addressing inquiries; challenge; interpellation; interrogate
interrogatory; quaere; query; questioning