- 然而,当大多数人谈及多媒体时,他们通常是指混合了两种或两种以上连续的媒体,即,媒体可以在一段规定的时间之内连续播放,并且通常伴随着与用户的交互。
Nevertheless, when most people refer to multimedia, they generally mean the combination of two or more continuous media, that is, media have to be played during some well-defined timed times interval, usually With the users interaction.
- 例如,一个多媒体程序可以播放一段电影:一只小猫正在玩线团,发出“喵喵”的声音 ... ,这个画面可以立即剪贴到一段文字旁边。
For example, a multimedia program can play a segment of movie: a cat was playing a reel of thread, with "mewing ... ". The tableau can a be immediately captured and pasted to a text at the side of a paragraph of words.
- 在多媒体环境中,我们可以同时拥有图形和文本,也可以增加图片、动画、高质量的音响和全动录像。
In the multimedia environment, we have graphics and text at the same time, we can also add the photograph, animation, good-quality sound, and full motion video.
- 我们买了一套多媒体百科全书。
We bought a multimedia encyclopedia.