be in charge of; preside over; take charge
【法】 preside提审的英语翻译:
arraign; arraignment; bring to trial; interrogation
【法】 arraign; arraignment; evocation; evoke; remove case for trial全体的英语翻译:
collectivity; ensemble; entireness; in a body; whole
【计】 TOT
【经】 population; total在押犯的英语翻译:
【法】 criminal in custody; criminal prisoner; prisoner of remand
unsentenced prisoner人的英语翻译:
human; fellow; human being; individual; man; people; person; soul
【医】 anthropo-; homme; man法官的英语翻译:
gownsman; judge; judiciary; justice; law-officer; magistrate
【法】 bench; deemster; judge; judiciary; jurist; justicer; justiciary
ordinary; trial justice