do; work; able; dry; empty; for nothing; main part; trunk; offend; strike【医】 caudex; scapus; shaft; stem; truncus; trunk
1.manage 2.truncus 3.stem 4.scapus 5.dryness 6.do 7.shaft 8.doing 9.drylamination 10.trunk(circuit)例句:
- 仙人掌生长在干旱地区。Cacti live in dry regions.
- 我必须买一节新的干电池了。I have to buy a new dry cell.
- 土太干了,不能种东西。The soil is too dry for planting.
- 干燥的天气之后,人人都希望下雨。After these dry days, everyone hopes for rain.
- 她把衣服晾出来晒干以前先把它们拧干。She wrung out the clothes before hanging them up to dry.
- 最简短的回答是干。The shortest answer is doing.
- 这些年,他干了许多可耻的事情。He has done many dishonorable things these years
- 你干得很好。You did a good job.
化 halofenate公民资格的英语翻译
法 citizenship; commonwealth citizenshi...表皮剥脱的英语翻译
医 exfoliatio; exfoliation姊妹的英语翻译
sister 医 sister cells 相关词组: 姊妹的丈夫 ...公共机构的英语翻译
法 public institution须疮样瘢痕性红斑的英语翻译
医 ulerythema sycosiforme内径规的英语翻译
化 internal gage; internal gauge继发性球孢子菌病的英语翻译
医 secondary coccidioidomycosis逐日的的英语翻译
day by day; day-to-day氯丙烷的英语翻译
医 cbloropropene; chloropropane远距分光镜的英语翻译
医 telespectroscope云实子素的英语翻译
医 bonducin本币现钞入境限额的英语翻译
经 limits to importing national currenc...文字的英语翻译
characters; language; letter; writing 计...佩-埃二氏热的英语翻译
医 Pel-Ebstein fever; Pel-Ebstein sympt...试管架的英语翻译
化 test-tube rack 医 test tube rack模仿病的英语翻译
医 neuromimesis; pathomimesis; pathomim...路施卡氏咽囊的英语翻译
医 luschka's bursae; Lusehka's bursa; L...应计租金的英语翻译
经 accrued receivable; accrued rent