abduct; crutch; kidnap; limp; swindle; turn
1.staff 2.stick(ing)例句:
- 拐弯之前别忘记指示车行方向。Don't forget to indicate before turning.
- 拐棍已折柱不得。Never lean on a break staff.
- 那老汉拄著拐杖一瘸一拐地走著。The old man hobbled along (the road) with the aid of his stick.
- 那个男孩儿给拐走了,想想看他父母得多伤心哪。Think how much the parents of the kidnapped boy must have suffered.
- 我建议刚开始爬山的人使用拐杖。When climbing a mountain I advise beginners to use a staff.

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