【经】 letter of allotment
check and ratify
【经】 vouch
【经】 subscription for shares; subscription register; subscriptions
a few; count; enumerate; fate; frequently; list; number; numeral; numeric
reckon; repeatedly; serveral
【计】 crossing number; N
【医】 number
【经】 number
and; draw; gentle; kind; mild; harmonious; mix with; sum; summation
together with
【计】 ampersand
【医】 c.; cum
answer; echo; ought to; should; promise; respond; grant; deal with; suit
capture; hand in; hand over; pay
ply; section; share in a company; stock; strand; thigh
【医】 femora; femur; mero-; thigh
【经】 section; share
entertain; fund; paragraph; sincere
【法】 item; sub-paragraph; sub-section
advice note; notice
【化】 note; notice
【经】 advice; notification