congeal; form; knot; settle; vinculum; weave【医】 knob; knot; node; nodule; noduli; nodulus; nodus; noeud
1.ties 2.produce 3.vinculum 4.knob 5.tie 6.nodule 7.kink 8.junction 9.node 10.weave 11.knit 12.nub 13.nubble例句:
- 你需用快刀才能把结切断。You need a sharp knife to cut through the knot.
- 从新娘的花束上垂下来的丝带打成了一个结。Ribbon hung from the bride's bouquet was tied in a bow.
- 这女孩把线的两端结起来。The girl tied the ends of the thread.
- 共同的爱好使两人结交为朋友。Common tastes form a bond between the two men.
- 这块木板上有个结。There is a knot in the board.

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