【经】 creater of tax shield
use; utilize; capitalize on; exploit; manipulate; take advantage of
turn to account
【医】 utilization
【经】 take advantage of
【经】 law of tax; tax law
flaw; hole; leak
【法】 loop-hole
carry out; go on; proceed; be in progress; conduct; march; process; travel
【医】 progression
【经】 steer; undertake
be within the law; legality; legitimacy
【法】 be within the law; legality
dodge a tax; tax evasion
【经】 avoidance of tax; defraud the revenue; evade payment of duty
evasion of duty; tax dodging; tax evasion
human; fellow; human being; individual; man; people; person; soul
【医】 anthropo-; homme; man