【化】 bottom collector
pagoda; tower
【化】 column
【医】 tower
a copy kept as a record; base; bottom; end; fundus; the truth of a matter
【医】 base; basement; bases; basi-; basio-; basis; batho-; bathy-; fimdi
floor; fundus; pavimentum; solum
collect; collection; gather; volume
【电】 set
fluid; liquid; succus
【化】 liquor
【医】 Fl.; fld.; Fluid; humor; juice; Liq.; sap; succi; succus
canal; duct; fistula; guarantee; meatus; pipe; tube; wind instrument
【化】 pipe; tube
【医】 canal; canales; canalis; channel; duct; ductus; salpingo-; salpinx
syringo-; tuba; tube; tubi; tubing; tubo-; tubus; vas; vaso-; vessel