【法】 non assumpsit
bring forward; advance; lodge; put forward; raise; set forth; submit
【经】 propose; put in; submission; submit
【法】 without engagement
either; maybe; or; perhaps
【计】 OR
deny; disaffirm; disavow; negate; renounce; repudiate; sublate; traverse
【医】 negation
【经】 disaffirmance
have; add; exist; possess
【法】 possession
bargaining; bond; contract; covenant; deed; indent; indenture; obligation
pact; stipulation
【经】 agreement; agreements; bargain; compact; contract; deed; indenture
instrument; title deed
ascending; go to; go up; previous; submit; superior; upper
【医】 ept-; hyper-; super-; supra-; sur-
devoir; duty; incumbency; mortgage; obligation; onus; volunteer
【经】 engagements; liability; obligation
answer; rejoin; rejoinder; reply; reply to a charge
【法】 ad respondendum; answer; answer the charge; comment on appeal; defence
defend oneself; paper book; plea; plea in abatement; plead; rejoinder
render an account of; reply