【医】 poll evil
beginning or end; cobbra; conk; crumpet; end; first; garret; hair; head
leading; nob; noddle; pate; sconce; side; top; twopenny
【医】 capita; caput; cephal-; cephalo-; head; kephal-; kephalo-
nape; nucha; sum; term
【计】 item
【医】 nape; nape of neck; nucha; scruff of neck; trachel-; trachelo-
【经】 item
ill; sick; malady; affection
【医】 affection; complaint; disease; evil; ill; illness; mal; maladie; malady
malum; morbi; morbus; patho-; sickness; sirupus ferri jodati; vitium