【医】 Topinard's line
entrust; hold in the palm; plead; set off; sth. serving as a support
【化】 Torr
【医】 pad; support
hull; husk; leather; naughty; peel; skin; surface; tegument
【医】 commune integumentum; Cort.; cortex; cortices; cutis; derm; derma-
dermat-; dermato-; dermo; integument; integumentum; skin
accept; admit; receive
【计】 nano
like so; you
family name; surname
clue; line; string; stringy; thread; tie; verge; wire
【医】 line; line Of occlusion; linea; lineae; lineae poplitea; mito-; nemato-
soleal line; strand; thread
【经】 line