grain; lines; veins【医】 streak; stria; striae; striation; stripe
1.schlieren 2.stripe 3.stria 4.plaga例句:
- 中士的袖子上有几道V形条纹?How many stripes are there on a sergeant's sleeve?
- 树的环形纹理显示其年龄。The annular markings on a tree indicate its age.
- 那老人的脸上布满皱纹和褶子。The old man's face was covered in lines and wrinkles.
- 深深的皱纹布上他的额头。Deep furrows lined his brow.
- 这件家具的木头表面上布满了斜纹。The wood surface of the furniture is full of diagonal stripes.
- 他穿着带条纹的睡衣裤。He was wearing striped pajamas.

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