ear; erbium
【医】 aures; auri-; auris; ear; ot-; oto-皮的英语翻译:
hull; husk; leather; naughty; peel; skin; surface; tegument
【医】 commune integumentum; Cort.; cortex; cortices; cutis; derm; derma-
dermat-; dermato-; dermo; integument; integumentum; skin安的英语翻译:
quiet; calm; safe; set氏的英语翻译:
family name; surname同的英语翻译:
alike; be the same as; in common; same; together
【医】 con-; homo-侧偏的英语翻译:
【医】 laterodeviation斜的英语翻译:
inclined; oblique; slanting; tilted
【医】 plagio-; stropho-