【法】 order nisi
deadline; term; within a definite time
【经】 date of expiration
inner; inside; within
【医】 end-; endo-; ento-; in-; intra-
depopulated; nobody; self-service; unmanned
bring forward; advance; lodge; put forward; raise; set forth; submit
【经】 propose; put in; submission; submit
object; oppose; protest; combat; buck; go against; have an objection to
turn down the thumb; turn on
【机】 inversely; opposition; un-
criterion; follow; rule; standard
【法】 court decisions; court resolution; court sentence
become effective; go into operation; in operation; inure; take effect
【经】 be available; enter into force to
order; command; cause; drinking game; ream; season; your
【化】 ream