plaque; platelet; thrombocyte
【化】 thrombocyte
【医】 Bizzozero's cells; Bizzozero's corpuscles; blood disc; blood disk
blood plasue; blood platelets; blood plates; E. B.; elementary bodies
Hayem's elementary corpuscles; Hayem's hematoblast; plastocyte; plasue
soterocyte; thigmocyte; third corpuscle; thrombocyte; thromboplastid
Zimmermann's elementary particles缺乏的英语翻译:
lack; be devoid of; be scant of; need; short of; want
【医】 deficiency; deprivation; leipo-; lipo-; poverty
【经】 absence; run low; scarcity; underage症的英语翻译:
disease; illness